Saturday, November 10, 2012


It's nice when Mommy and Daddy get to take a bit of time off for a trip.  We hadn't done so since pre-Evie, so used the occasion of my F Birthday to go away for a couple of days.  Many thanks to Auntie Ingrid for keeping the Three  organized and on track.  I guess they behaved relatively well for her, since she didn't end up dropping them off at Children's Aid, like she threatened to if they were misbehaving....isn't it always the way, that they will behave better for someone else.

Hurricane Sandy had a go at DC.
Capitol waaaay in background.

Looking in the other direction toward the Monument.

A closer view of the Capitol, and about the closest we managed to get due to our time restraints.  That lump to the left of the picture is someone sleeping on the ground. I liked the contrast, and was surprised that he hadn't been harassed to move, not that I minded.  I think there may have been a purpose to his choice of slumbering spot.  We didn't think to check if he was dead though, which could also have been a has happened to us before (ask me about trekking in Nepal sometime).

I was surprised also at the condition of the grounds along the Mall.  I gather there are a lot of demonstrations here (we saw a small one on the following day, parents of kids with Autism, how ironic), but there really isn't a lot of care given to the grass and foliage at this end.  Towards Lincoln there is more, accompanied by fenced off areas also.  I guess if you've got somethin' to say you say it down at this end.  (Not like Forrest Gump)

Speaking of Gump...oh sorry darling, I meant this is where the girl (whose name I've forgotten, welcome to the fifth decade) comes running across the pool yelling "Forrest!".

"Not funny!"

(I saw "Night at the Museum, Smithsonian" the day we came home, which was pretty funny considering we'd just been there).

Walking around DC, Bob noted that it was a bit like being in Hollywood, with all of these famous places in sight...Watergate over there, Pentagon this way...

...and the White House right here.  It took forever to get here, even though our hotel was only a block away.  Every time we attempted to walk here, we were either thwarted by people in Mountie hats (park rangers I guess) or guys in black swat type costumes or because of our own stupidity (leaving a backpack in the restaurant where we'd had breakfast...we did get it back).  But finally, on our last day, we got there, but Obama wasn't home, having had a busy day on the campaign trail in Ohio.

Michelle Obama's kitchen garden.  Like she is out here weeding it hmmm?  It's pretty close to the fence, so we'd know if she was.

The front entrance.  Lots of guys with earpieces walking around here too.  They aren't terribly friendly but some of them looked like they were Skyler's age.

And back to our own swanky digs.  The places you can go when you don't have the children along!

Believe it or not but it was cheaper to get a room service dinner than to eat in the restaurant downstairs.  

Now to the serious stuff.  Bob was very into the Mercury/Apollo space equipment big time, and his jaw dropped to see the following too....

OK, I admit it was pretty neat, ( SR 71) especially since I was made aware that it was designed and built in the 1960's, not in the '90's like the shape might suggest...notice all the MEN standing around to admire it while the girls headed off to....

...see Discovery!!  (Well this girl anyways....I see there are still a lot of men hanging around this hangar as well)  This was the highlight for me.  (The shuttle, not the men).  I was pretty impressed with the size. (The shuttle, not the men).

Ya, bigger than it looks riding on top of a 747.

Another piece of history, the Enola Gay, which dropped the atomic bomb on Hiroshima.  I wonder how the Japanese visitors feel about this when they come here....the actual bomb was not so large considering the damage done.  We could tell by the size of the bomb bay door on the belly.  There were volunteers taking groups around on guided tours (which we didn't have time for) and we could listen in as it was convenient.

Another piece of somber history, the Vietnam Memorial.

And one last sunset on the Monument.  I love the red "eyes" at the peak.  Washington's got it's eye on you!

Then, home to our family, once again.

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